Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Pisco Sour recipe

Pisco Sour recipe
+ squeezed lemons
+ a dull friend
+ sugar
+ a depressive friend
+ sinnamon
+ a cosmic peruana friend
+ egg albumen
+ a lunatic grandmother
+ a decadent self
+ ice
+ a good mood friend
+ a crazy mom

Late at nite put everything togheter in a blender until the ice breaks and it gets thick, play some Von Bondies, Placebo and Cake as soundtrack.
Drink it until your dull friend falls in sleep, the depressive gets extroverted, the cosmic gets lunatic, the lunatic grandmother trys to stop the party, your decadent self starts laught of himself, the good mood friend gets thoughtful and the crazy mom complains about the usage of her drinks.


Anonymous said...

aposto que não ficou tão gostoso assim... faltou um dos principais ingredientes... a garota com minhoca nas costas!!!

LimãoCubico said...

É, ficaria melhor...

Faltou ainda o poodle, e a cabeça de capacete.